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- System requirements
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]
- Database
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
- Server
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
- Windows service
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- *NIX daemon
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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First of all you need to setup storage for your Internal Chat data. At the moment
Internal Chat supports PostgreSQL and
MySQL database management systems (see
system requirements).
Install one of the supported database management systems (out of the scope of this article -
see documentation of the specific DBMS).
Note. Pay your attention at installation settings, for example, DBMS locale or default server
encoding. It can be important: for instance, old versions of PostgreSQL could not make
correct case insensitive search in ru_RU databases if server locale differed from ru_RU. So,
it would be great if your server locale was set to your native locale and default encoding
was set to UTF8.
It is recommended (from the security point of view) that only some specific database
user could work with some specific database. So:
- Create new unprivileged database user (we will call him "ICUSER").
- Create new empty database (we will call it "IC"), its encoding must be set to UTF8.
- Give ICUSER read-write access to IC (or make him to be a database owner).
For PostgreSQL under Linux it looks like the following:
#su - postgres
#createuser -A -d -P ICUSER
enter a password for the user when prompted
#createdb -O ICUSER -E UTF8 IC
Download the server (IntChatServer-X.Y.Z.zip) package.
Unpack server package anywhere you like and take the initial database script from init_sql
subfolder (init_database_ic_postgresql.sql for PostgreSQL or init_database_ic_mysql.sql
for MySQL).
Initialize database IC using initial database script and any database management tool you
like (GUI or command prompt). For PostgreSQL under Linux it looks like the following:
#su - postgres
#psql -U ICUSER -f init_database_ic_postgresql.sql IC
The initialization script creates an initial database structure with one group
(IT Department) and one user (System Administrator, login "admin",
password "admin", timezone GMT, locale en_US).
Important! Do not forget that if your DBMS is installed on a server other than that
where you plan to install Internal Chat Server, make sure that DBMS will
accept connections from that server (in case of PostgreSQL edit pg_hba.conf if needed).